

Our sheep are Katahdins, obtained from McKowen Farm in Louisiana. We currently have a flock of 11 ewes, who should be lambing in the spring!

You can read up more about the Katahdin breed of sheep at the American Livestock Breeds Conservatory, as they are considered a heritage breed of sheep that are in the "recovering" stage. Katahdins are hair sheep and are bred primarily for their meat.

Keep this page bookmarked for information on availability, pricing, and where to buy!

Related sheep posts at HighTail Farms:

1 comment:

  1. I have recently acquired a castrated mail sheep (is that a Ram?). Do I need to be afraid of him? I just read how they can attack you and butt you. I'm a little afraid now. I've had him for a couple of weeks. He's full grown. We get along, but he has become a little more aggressive when I feed him. He wants food, food, food.
