
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Little Turkeys

  It occurred to me that I never shared these pictures of the newest batch of turkeys. We ordered 40 broad breasted white turkeys from Ideal Poultry through our local feed store.

  Having the feed store handle the ordering saved me the stress of waiting for them to be delivered and meeting them at the post office. Our feed store actually housed, fed, and watered them for a couple days before I picked them up. The owner also didn't charge me for the ones who died in those first days.

  We set them up in a brooder in one of the extra bedrooms for the first week.

  We like to use puppy pee pads to line the brooder these days. They proved enough traction to keep the little one from having leg problems, keep the area around the waterer dry, and are easy to change out when necessary.

  These pictures are a couple weeks old, and these little guys are actually living in a pen in the poultry house. Pretty soon they will be big enough to go on the ground in one of the big outdoor pens.

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