
Monday, March 17, 2014

Pretty Baby Basil

Just thought I'd share some pictures of this pretty little girl....

We had a really funny moment with this baby one morning a few weeks ago. I had dumped a scoop of feed in the goat yard for the sheep. Well, the whole flock went rushing in, including Basil's mother, Fancy. Poor little Basil got separated from her mother in the scrum and ended up outside the goat yard confused and calling out for her lost mother.

  I stood back and waited to make sure mother and daughter got back together. Instead, Patch who is Fancy's mother and therefor Basil's grandmother came back out and stood by the distressed lamb.

  I swear you can see Grandma rolling her eyes here thinking, "Where is that daughter of mine? She needs to come get her kid!" Eventually, Fancy realized her daughter was missing and came out to claim Basil from Patch, but I have to imagine that Patch had a few choice words on proper parenting for her wayward daughter!


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