
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pear-ing down

 We looked out the window to find that our pear tree in the backyard partially fell victim to a nasty storm we had yesterday.

 For a while now we've been keeping an eye on our overambitious pear tree.

 As you can see, it is so over burdened with fruit that the poor thing looks like it's doing it's best impression of a willow.

 I ended up pulling several broken branches out of the limbs of the tree. The goats were more than happy to assist with cleanup.

 I harvested as many of the immature pears as I could in the hopes that Big Onion will work his magic and somehow turn them into something drinkable and intoxicating.

 Josie and the other goats also enjoyed some of the pears I missed.

More please!

This picture cracks me up. Notice Gwen and her mother are both resting their chins on the fence in hopes of begging a few more branches out of me. It always surprises us how much Gwen's personality and actions are just like those of her mother, especially when you consider that Josie had absolutely nothing to do with raising the little goat. 

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