
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Eve

We spent our new years eve working around the farm. We finally started fencing off the creek. Lately our ducks have been going for swims and finding themselves in the neighbor's yard. It's not very far from there to the highway, so we decided it was time to block off their access.

Gwen and Thea thought putting up fencing was just the most interesting thing in the world. Gwen kept trying to steal tools, gloves, and bags of clips, and Thea turned herself into a ginger by rubbing her head on one of the older rusted t-posts. Life is never dull with goats around. Big Onion got half of the fencing up before darkness forced us to finish up evening chores and head inside.

I made a cozy fire in the fireplace and Big Onion cooked us up a huge dinner that included some of the broccoli from the front garden boxes.

When midnight rolled around, we toasted our first year here on the farm with a cold bottle of bubbly Gingeroo. Then we decided to go for late night stroll out to the back pasture.

The sheep were very happy to see us. I'm pretty sure all the fireworks had them convinced that the sky was falling.

And of course Gwen and Thea accompanied us on our jaunt.

This is a view of the house and out buildings from the bridge.

Overall it was a very nice way to end what has probably been the most amazing year of my life. This year Big Onion and I bought a house, started a business, and populated this empty piece of land with animals of all shape and sizes. We worked our butts off and loved every second of it. Everyday was a learning experience, and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store!

Happy New Year! 

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