
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More lamb related cuteness

 This is the sight that greeted me this morning. Not a bad way to start off the day ...

 I let the smaller, weaker lambs have first crack at the bar. They were very happy to be able to fill their bellies without being pushed off by their bigger siblings.

 Milk replacer, yum!

 Thea gets the award for Most Useful Goat this week by letting the little ones drink directly from the source twice a day. She is not even tied up. Just put a bucket of feed in front of that goat, and you can do anything to her. This has been a real help since some of our weaker lambs don't seem to be able to get a full meal out of the rigid nipples of the lamb bar.

I also sat down with pen, paper, bathroom scale and my camera to record everyone's weight, markings, and health status today. Each lamb got a quick exam and got mug shots taken. Some had umbilical chords that needed trimming. Some had very crusty rear ends that needed cleaning. Everyone got a dose of Probios to try and curb the loose poops.

Here are just a few of the cuter shots:

 This is A01 a.k.a. Big Red. She is the biggest and heaviest of the group. She will probably be a keeper.

 Lamb butt sniffs! 

 A04 is on the small side, but so darned cute.

 I should note here that we were not the ones to take all those notches out of their ears. They came to us that way. It is a numbering system that some people use to identify their sheep. We have a tattoo gun and plan on tattooing these guys with their numbers when they get a little bigger since the ear notch thing is really confusing to me. Plus I think the poor things just look terrible with all those chunks taken out of their ears. Ouch!

 A05 a.k.a. Dottie sticking her tongue out at me. This is the little girl who was being tube fed when I picked her up. She is still smaller than most of the others but she is getting bigger and stronger by the minute.

 A07 a.k.a. Argyle is one of the two lambs who has me worried. She's weak and very stiff. She has this short coat of curly hair and was sitting in the warm sun today and still shivering. She also has trouble latching onto the nipples of the lamb bar so she is one of the lucky few who get to drink from Thea.

 I have read that her symptoms can be a sign of selenium deficiency. I've ordered a medication that should help if this is the problem. Hopefully we will get it by tomorrow and this little gal can get on the mend.

 A13 has a lot of the same problems as A07. Weak and puny, and he even has the same short hair on the back of his neck. Those selenium shots can't get here soon enough for this little one.

 We ended up with 7 girls and 6 boys. Big Onion and I have talked about maybe keeping one of the males to be our next ram. Unfortunately, we can only keep one male and A12's cute face and sweet personality can only take him so far. 

 A08 is definitely in the running weighing in at just over 14lbs.

 A10 is the other contender. Just look at this little ram. He's build like a steer!

This one speaks for itself!

Aside from a couple with loose stools and the two weak babies mentioned above, all the lambs are looking strong and healthy. We are getting way over the recommended dosage of cute every day. I can't wait until these guys get big enough to be allowed to run around the pastures. There will be no stopping them! 

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