
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Important News!

 Oh....Sheep! Sheep!

 Hey sheepies, why don't you follow me across the bridge...

 ...and over the hill...

 What could be behind this gate?

Over another bridge...where could we be headed?

 Look! It's a brave new world! 

That's right. Our big fencing project is finally complete and for the first time, the sheep (and goats)  now have access to the 3rd pasture. The big one!

This is a huge deal for us because opening up this space essentially doubles the amount of pasture available to our animals.

Here The Big Onion is just finishing up the last of the barbed wire. 

Hunter was happy to oversee the whole project.

 and break for the occasional upside down chin scratching. This cat is just so unfriendly. 

 Let me just tell you that the sheep loved it out there. They barely made it past the gate when they stopped to starting munching on all the new and overgrown vegetation.

 Even Elvis got right to chowing down. 

 Happy sheep pigging out.

It wasn't long before they had spread out and explored most of the pasture. 

And check out Ms. Daisy. She's starting to fatten up again!

Before we knew it, the sheep had retreated back to their small hilltop in the second pasture to nap and digest all that new vegetation.

Since we opened up the pasture just after Elvis joined our flock, we are hoping the ladies will credit him with the new bounty. Nothing sexier than a man who brings you new pasture land.


  1. Nice to see the fencing we had laying around for decades going to use.

    1. I was using a homemade fence puller. Realized with the barbed wire that those ratcheting strapdown things make an even better come-along. Nice, taught strands. Not as good as a real one, but did the trick. I put up most of that barbed wire myself in about a day (about 3,000 ft).

      You need to come visit, maybe when we've had a little less rain and it's warmed up a bit!
