
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Horny Toad

 Our little Gwen's horns are growing in nicely. 

What's really cool is the girl has two different colors coming in. One horn is plain black, the other is striped half white and half black. I have no idea if the color when stay when she grows up, but I really hope so. I'm also hoping that she will have her mother's lovely back/side swept horns.

I know a lot of people have strong feeling about disbudding young goats before their horns grow in, but I cannot imaging putting this little one through that kind of pain. Not to mention the potential for damaging their brain in the process! Josie, despite all her spit and vinegar personality, is extremely cautious with her horns even when she pissed off and bowling her way thru the sheep or knocking an errant turkey out of the way.

Photographic evidence that Gwen's ear nibbling is not limited to feline ears

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