
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Even further proof: Goats are weird

We've got a few minor construction projects going on around the farm these days: building rabbit tractors, putting together a better compost heap, etc. The folks at our local feed store were nice enough to put aside a few of their better pallets for me. I loaded them into the back of my car and drove the car home and parkd in the pasture. I was unloading the rest of my purchases and I wasn't away from the car for more than a minute when I came back to find this.... 

 All I can say is....Goats are weird. 

I guess considering it's Josie, Queen of the Bad Attitude and President of the Ruin my Day Club, I should be glad she didn't take a crap in there while she was at it.


  1. Goats like high ground, you are lucky she didn't go for your roof.

  2. Replies
    1. I bet we come home to her on the 4 wheeler.
