
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Good news

Well, We just got back the test results, and it looks like our larger goat, Josie, is, in fact, pregnant! Her progesterone was 4.62. From what I understand, anything higher than 1.5 is considered positive. So, I guess she's very pregnant!

That also means we have to start drying her up! No more fresh goat milk. If the previous owner's timing was correct, she should be due in just a couple months. No fair to ask the girl to be growing a belly full of baby goats and an udder full of milk at the same time.

I got the second test results as well, and we were happy to find that her liver is working great....which although nice to know, was not the test I asked for. Oops. I will have to call the lab on Monday and get them to run the CAE test instead. We are keeping our fingers crossed and praying for a negative on that one, otherwise we will be raising some bottle babies in a few months.

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