
Sunday, May 6, 2012

The baby bunnies have arrived!

(... actually they arrived a few weeks ago, we've just been lazy bloggers.)

We knew they were coming soon because Zinny was getting to be about as big as a house. We gave her a nest box full of hay....

Which she promptly pulled out and turned into a nest along with a good amount of her own fur on the opposite side of the cage. Here she does her best Groucho Marx impression.

I had to run out for an errand and by the time I got back, she had had ten ugly little pink squirming creatures on the wire floor of the cage. I moved them all along with a good pile of rabbit fuzz back to the nest box. We ended up losing four of the babies. I think 10 is too many babies for a new momma to take care of...I don't even think rabbits have that many nipples! Next time we will try and breed both girls at the same time so if one has that many again, we can move them to the other mom.

After a few days, the little ones started to grow white fuzz everywhere.

Then their eyes opened and they started really looking like rabbits.

Here's a video I took just a few days ago. Pretty sure this is their first time actually eating grass.

Today Zinny and all 6 babies spent then day weeding the garden in a rabbit tractor that I hobbled together out of two old cages. These guys are bred to be meat rabbits, and you can really tell. Those little ones are beefy and round like little meatballs already.

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