
Sunday, March 18, 2012


We finally got around to breaking ground on the garden. When we moved out here, I tried my best to pot up any of the winter garden plants that were worth moving. Since the weather is warming up fast, it was high time we got some things in the ground.   

 We picked out a nice spot just over the backyard fence that gets a lot of light and that would be easy to fence off from the rest of the field.

We decided to rent a tiller for the weekend and the Big Onion wrestled the bucking, kicking thing around the field for two days.

 We thought using the tiller would make things easier, but that thing took some real muscle to dig down into our soil. Apparently, our entire property is sitting on clay. Clay so thick you could dig a hole and pull up something worthy throwing on a wheel and turning into a pot. We actually walked our entire 9 acres with a shovel to try and find some place that wasn't clay. Couldn't be found. That said, it seems there are a lot of things that grow quite well on our land since the pastures are all very green and lush even this early in the year.

 Tilling done, it was time to get up some fencing. Luckily, the previous owner had left a lot of old fence posts and these black plastic fence panels laying around.

Our Garden!

I had to buy a length of wire to complete the fencing, but the garden is now fully fenced and ready for planting! I am so excited to have so much space to grow us some healthy, delicious veggies and fruits. 

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